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"As a professional full-time artist for the past 50 years I find that I think in pictures not words.  I spend the better part of my days drawing, painting and taking photographs to build imagery for finished pieces. I tweak and change obsessively in hopes to create the composition I find compelling and telling of my ongoing story.


NFT's are a perfect natural progression for the digital works that I have been creating over the last decade, so I am pleased to introduce my first NFT collection, Once in A Blue Moon. This phrase, a favorite of mine as it aptly describes my creative process, occasionally when I am creating, I get lifted out of my physical moment and become adrift on a sense of delight and serenity.  I seem to rise above the restraints of time and gravity and find myself perched on the edge of understanding the journey, that Once in a Blue Moon experience​


For the latest updates on and about my art follow me on social media, the links are provided below. Thank you". Russell D'Alessio Artist


My first NFTs have launched! - find the Once In A Blue Moon  collection on


A Pilimary Vision and the Presence of Insightsm.jpg
A Preliminary Vision and the Presence of Insight


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Artist Russell D'Alessio
12 Mt. Desert Street
Bar Harbor, ME  04609


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