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"Girl With Flowers"

"Girl With Flowers"


"Girl with Flowers" is an original acrylic on canvas featuring a portrait of a woman. The vibrant and expressive color palette Russ used in the artwork creates a stunning visual impact. The deep purple background serves as a stark contrast to the warm tones used for the woman's skin and features, creating a mesmerizing effect.

She is depicted with graceful, flowing hair in shades of brown with hints of orange, giving the impression of flames or ribbons dancing around her head. Her closed eyes, delicate rosebud mouth, and creamy complexion exude a sense of peaceful repose, evoking a tranquil and serene mood.

The addition of a small bouquet of yellow flowers with green stems and leaves in the lower right corner adds a bright and joyful accent to the composition. The loose and fluid brushwork enhances the dreamy and ethereal quality of the image, and the confident outlines of the figure and face suggest a fusion of both figurative and abstract elements. An amazing piece! 

Original acrylic on wrapped canvas - 60"x 36" x 2"   

No charge for shipping continental USA  Outside the area please contact us, we would love to work with you.

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Artist Russell D'Alessio
12 Mt. Desert Street
Bar Harbor, ME  04609


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